Community Center


The Hallsville Community Center is available for use by any citizen or local civic or non-profit organization.  The rental fee is $125.00 per day plus a $100 refundable deposit if the Community Center is returned to a clean and orderly condition after use.  It is rented on a first-come, first-service basis, up to a year in advance. Local civic or non-profit organizations may use the building for a rental fee of $50.00.

There are approximately 100 chairs and 14 eight foot tables.  The tables can sit 6 to 8 people.  The maximum capacity of the Community Center (fire codes) is 100 people.

In 2024, the Grow Hallsville Parks Foundation was awarded a grant from Boone County under the American Rescue Plan Act. A portion of this funding was allocated to enhance the Community Center, which included refurbishing the flooring and ceiling, repainting the walls, and replacing the ceiling fans and mini blinds.

In October of 2024 the Board of Alderman passed Ordinance 427 that requires an permit when having alcohol on any City owned property.  You can request the permit at [email protected].  There is no cost for the permit.

The applicant must provide a copy of an Insurance Certificate which provides:

The amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) aggregate and one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in host liquor liability naming the City of Hallsville as an additional insured before applicant(s) are permitted to host an event at City property wherein alcoholic beverages and intoxicating liquors shall be served, provided, or otherwise present.

Also, no individual may sell or otherwise distribute alcohol. Only groups, organizations, or businesses that hold a valid State of Missouri Liquor License, Liquor liability insurance, and any other necessary permits or certifications are allowed to serve alcohol.



Contact Info

Hallsville Community Center
324 E Hwy OO